DUH! (The common sense quiz) | Comments

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  • Wow!! I just scored 100% on this quiz!! I think I'll go eat a big piece of cheese and then make a call on my cell phone!

  • 1 star and a half out of 5

  • Whoever wrote this must not have any commen sence because I'm pretty sure the answer to nember 8 is "cell phone" it is an even number I mean duh(commen sence) why not use it rather than try to make us look as dumb as you...

  • Whoever wrote this must not have any commen sence because I'm pretty sure the answer to nember 8 is "cell phone" it is an even number I mean duh(commen sence) why not use it rather than try to make us look as dumb as you...

  • im pretty sure that 'the cheese' isnt a logical answer... and logical requires common sense! jeez


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