DragonKeeper and the DragonRiders:Moon

Alex: Marty, it looks like this is it! I just want you to know, you're a one in a million friend! Marty: Thanks, Alex! You are a true friend! Alex: And I'm sure you won't mind when I tell you... Marty: What? Tell me what? Alex: I broke your iPod! Marty: What? Alex: The buttons were so small! It made me mad! Marty: The horror! Alex: It was an accident! Marty: I'm gonna kill you!


Created by: Moonblade
  1. 'We all miss Antelioa'says Mizar. The Dragons flap harder as the solar winds get stronger. The moon shines and gets bigger as everyone gets closer. "MAX!"shouts Zane. "YEAH!"shouts Max. "YOU FEELING OK?!" "NO, IF WE FALL OFF WE ARE SCREWED!" "Good point"says everyone else. You look down, and get dizzy "Max has a point" 'Yeah, don't look down again'says Mizar with a laugh. "So where abouts does Tsuki live?"asks Nathan. "We'll land at the Sea Of Tranquillity, then i'll show you how to do go to her home"says Sneachta. The moon gets larger and everyone lands on the moons hard, grey surface. You jump down and grey dust blows above your feet. "I can't belive Buzz Aldrin was once here!"you smile. "Yeah"smiles Rex. "Now follow me!"says Sneachta. Everyone follows her to exactly where the eagle had landed.
  2. Sneachta presses a few rocks in a particular pattern and the ground opens up, leaving a platform to go down to the house. EVeryone stands on his platform. Sneachta presses the red button and the platform sinks into the ground. You look around "Needs painting"says Max. You chuckle. "How far down is it?"asks Rex. "Not far... I can make it go faster"says Sneachta. "Ok"you smile. Sneachta presses the button agian and the platform speeds down the shaft. "AAH!"you scream. The gravity forces everyone to lay on the floor. "TOO FAST!"shouts Nathan and Kierra. Sneachta laughs as its speeds down. It stops and everyone flies into the air and lands back down. "OW!"you shout, sitting up. "I second that"says Kierra. Everyone stands up and step off the platform. Nathan gets a tourch from the wall and lights it. Everyone begins to walk down the long hall. You get to the end of the hall and see a house. "This is it"says Sneachta.
  3. "Wow"says everyone looking at the light blue house. Sneachta knocks on the door in a secret pattern. Tsuki opens the door slowly "H-hello"says Tsuki. "Tsuki its us. _____, Kierra, Max, Nathan, Rex, Zane, Charlotte, Rendall and Candra"says Sneachta "Oh and me" The door opens fully, Tsuki stands there with a huge grin on her face "HI!"she shouts happily "Come in, come in!" Everyone walks into her house and a toddler runs up to Tsuki, she picks her up "Mummy who are these people?"asks the toddler. "Zammi these people are my friends"says Tsuki. "Hi"smiles Zammi. "Hi"says everyone else. "Make yourselves at home"says Tsuki. "Ki we need to talk"says Charlotte. "Ok"says Tsuki putting Zammi down "Zammi the adults need to talk" Zammi nods and goes to her room. "Ok, but tell me... have you found Fuego?"asks Tsuki. "No not yet"says Zane. Tsuki sits on the couch, you sit down next to her "We'll find him"you say "We will"
  4. You hug Tsuki and she hugs back. "Ok, so where will he be?"asks Candra. "I guess he would have been capture and held in Ostness"says Tsuki "One if the worst prisons in the multiverse" "Ok, Ostness it is"smiles Rendall. "BUT before you leave, practice your combat skills"says Tsuki. "Ok deal"says Charlotte. "Now then choose your rooms and get some sleep"says Tsuki.
  5. You choose the room with the stars as the ceiling and the moon surface as the flooring. "I never thought I'd be here"you say to yourself. "Same here"smiles Kierra entering the room "I'm just down the hall" "Cool"you smile. "So, how did you get caught up in all this?"asks Kierra. "I was knocked out by a spade and it went on from their"you reply. "A SPADE?!"laughs Kierra. "I know right. A SPADE!"you laugh. "So do you like Rex?"she asks. "No"you blush. Kierra chuckles. "BACK TO BED AND LIGHTS OUT!"shouts Sneachta from the corridore. "Night _____"says Kierra leaving the room. "Night!"you say. The lighs go out on everyone sleeps.
  6. You wake up when you here sobbing coming from the room next to you. You put on your slippers and leave the room. You knock quietly on the door "C-come in" You enter the room and see Tsuki crying on the bed. You walk next to her and sit down. "Ki are you ok?"you ask softly. She says nothing but shows you a box. "O-open it"she whispers. Confused, you open the box. A clump of feathers lay in the box. You gasp "T-t-the Kings f-feathers"you say staring at the box. Tsuki hugs you "Until we find him. They will cuts off his feathers!"she cries. "SonsOfB----!"you shout. "Shhhhhh!"she hisses. "Sorry"you say "And Zammi is his?" She nods "Her full name is Zamminea-Aga"says Tsuki. "Beautiful name"you smile. You face Tsuki "We WILL find him. EVen if i die doing it" Tsuki smiles at you "Really?" "Really!" You both hug "You need sleep _____"smiles Tsuki. "Ok"you smile. You get up and go back to your room. YOu dive on your bed and sleep.
  7. Sorry it was short. Thats it for this part!
  8. *Sigh*
  10. Byeeeeeeee

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