Door Within Trilogy Trivia (Spoilers included)

If your like me than you probably want to test your knowledge of one of the best book series of all time. But you can't find a quiz to do so? Well look no further because the Door Within Trilogy Trivia Quiz is here!!

Answer ten questions that will test your knowledge of all things Door Within. Then receive a result based on how well you know the books! (Noted: there are many spoilers within this quiz).

Created by: Jennifer
  1. What was the first thing that happened to Aiden when he entered the Realm
  2. Where did Aiden move to?
  3. What is Aiden's title at the end of book one?
  4. In the beginning of book two whom does Aiden meet at school?
  5. Who is Antoinette's Glimpse twin?
  6. Who is the Glimpse Twin of Grampian?
  7. What type of spider did Aiden use to scare the Paragor Knights?
  8. Who is Aiden's best friend? Hint: this friend lives on Earth
  9. Who are the three witnesses?
  10. Who is the author of he Door Within Series?

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