Does your mother love you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Does your mother love you?
I got a 52% its a 50/50 chance she does
It said I'm a loser. Well you know what. Shut the @#*& up.
i got 57 but i think my mom love me she is so good to me when i do a bad thing and got into priciple office she crying
Metasit1 -
i got a 85% and i think my mom actually loves me that much:)
ummmmm........ I got 0% I told my mom and she said "Damn technology is right for once NOW LEAVE b---- I'M ON THE PHONE!!!"
Z3pH1 -
I wish i got 100% i got 90% Well it's ok..
@nas1336 you sound all too much like me @_@ and I agree with everything you said.
Well I just took it and I couldn't STOP crying!!!
I got 50% =( I'm so so so sad
arios1 -
67%, Hmmm i'm not very convinced, i expect a much lower score like 50% 47% idk
My mama loves me ig Coz i did get 70 percent
My mom loves me ig coz i got 70 percent on the test
My mom loves 63% OMG SHE LIED TO ME SHE SAID SHE LOVES ME 100% :(
Oupe1 -
Lola5291 -
my mom didn't even show up for my own birth.
vuhbkj m1
i got a 73% but i feel bad for the people who get hate from their mum :(
notkaii1 -
Yohan1 -
nvm i got a 20%
i got 16%
That sucks
Im sorry :(
But I still don't think my mom loves me
my mom is my aunt and i scored 54%
irdsget1 -
my mom will love me when pigs fly.
my mom loves me 73%. she loves me more than that
wow my mom hates me and i got 40 percent
this is a stupid quiz.. how is it a bad thing if your mom loves you..?
lalala141 -
hej fik kun 61
men ved at hun elsker mig s maget og vil gre nsten alt for mig s tror det er tefeltigt
i love my mom soso much then anything in the world but she hates me