Does your crush like you? (quiz for guys. Remastered)

Complete this thrilling quiz and find out, what your crush is thinking about you! I have 2-year-experience in psychology, so I hope it will help upon getting more accurate results!
Greetings! If you remember, I created a quiz called "Does your crush like you? (big quiz for guys)". However, after getting a bunch of feedback, I came up with a mind, that it'd be better to create a new - improved version of the quiz! That's why I'm introducing you my so-called Vol.2 of the quiz. What improved? I added some more detailed questions and deleted "watery" ones. Also, I tried to improve the overall quality of the quiz, so you will get the best result possible! Once again, basic information: Who is this quiz for? For guys around 13-18 age who don't really know how to move forward/ progress in their relationship with their crush. Or you just don't know how she is feeling towards you. I'm a guy myself, so I clearly know, what hard times we (men) need to live through. I have been studying psychology for over 2 years making me relatively "well-educated" in all this stuff. Good luck!