does your BF/GF gonna leave

Good luck trying to see if your smart about your GF/BF that might be hard ....i really dont know what to say right now hey this is a dog speaking in the forest dog food leacks in the toilet when i barf

try scoreing highest and see if you should keep dating or just start rateing your friends. Its kinda fun rateing i did it before i need a toilet to do what i got to do ya i need to poo right

Created by: carlie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he or she tell you when there haveing a bad day!
  2. Finish the sentance that you think they would say. YOU: Hey swetie THEM:...........
  3. your other said lets go to the movies and you cant they react....
  4. when your at lunch do they sit away from you
  5. do you think they like other people
  6. are you hott
  7. Is there hott girls around your enverment
  8. is your talent anoying
  9. is there people that flirt with them
  10. how to get master balls on pokemon

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Quiz topic: Does my BF/GF gonna leave