does she like you????? yes no maybe so! lolz zzzzzz if she does if she doesn't either way take this qiuz and find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously it duzint have to be the girl you like just ay girl maybe you have a stalker and they secretly like you and thats why they stalk you just take this kwiz and find out!!!!!!!!

Created by: elesa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she ever stare at you during class??
  2. Does she ever smile at you or purposely act nicer when you're around??`
  3. Does she laugh at the corny stupid totally not funny jokes that you make??
  4. Your smiles make her... (FYI kyle is my friend and hes a bonehead)
  5. Are you what girls would say is hot?? (be honest please)
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. Do you think she likes you???
  8. random no effect just need more q's ldui fhgjkvbcn
  9. the rest r randoms sorry! they hav no effect on your score!
  10. do u like owl city?????
  11. derbhjjjjjymg b i say pitch u say

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