Does My Crush Like Me?

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So, your crush has been giving you some very conflicting signs lately and you can't tell whether or not he's interested in you. This quiz will tell how good you are at analyzing guys and their dating habits and how they act with crushes.

Are you one of those girls that will be mis-leaded when it comes to guys and go after them, only to become heartbroken when he doesn't like you back, or will you be able to tell when a guy likes you and have a happy, beautiful relationship? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: leatherjacket
  1. Okay, first off, thanks for taking my quiz! And this quiz will be about whether or not you can tell when a guy likes you
  2. Your crush suddenly sits next to you at the lunch table, like, right beside you, but talks to you only a little bit during lunch.
  3. Your crush then also sits right behind you in class, even though his friends are on the other side of the room.
  4. During that same class, he goofs off the whole time and shows off a bit, making you laugh the whole time and seems to check for your reaction.
  5. On a day you spend class outside, he sits next to you and messes with you the whole time. (I.e. shoots rubber bands, throws grass at you, does tricks using your hand with the rubber band, etc.)
  6. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see him looking at you, or if nothing else-looking in your direction.
  7. His friends have taken a sudden interest in you and have actually become your friends too.
  8. He always says how he can't stand all the other girls in school because they're preppy and girly or whatever other reason, but he is always paying attention to you and sometimes talks to your best friend, but he still doesn't talk to her half as much as he does you.
  9. He's told you some pretty personal things before, but then keeps on being stupid and acts casual the whole time.
  10. He is constantly messing with his friends and hiding their stuff, and he "hires" you to hide it for him.
  11. He says hi to you in the hallways sometimes, but when you say hi, he acts surprised and almost creeped out...
  12. He gets up out of his chair to hand something in, so you take his seat, but when he comes back-he has no reaction towards you whatsoever.
  13. Last question, your crush has been this way for a few weeks now and is this close to you, but has made no attempt to get your number or ask you out...yet.

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