Does my boyfriend really love me?

How many of us have boyfriends? how many of us wonder if they truly love us? It is good to know the truth about who your dating like wether they're just playing with you or not.

Good luck and I hope you get the results you want. Remember to be truthful with yourself.know you want the truth. I've done my best to give it to you too.

Created by: Belle of beauty
  1. How often do you two talk? It can be anything.
  2. Does your guy seem eager to see you?
  3. How often does he compliment or say nice things to you?
  4. How does he greet you in public?
  5. Does he touch you in public? If so how?
  6. Do you ever have long phone conversations?
  7. Does he listen to you when you talk about something that happened to you?
  8. Do you feel loved?
  9. Does he mention the future and if so are you in it?
  10. Do you imagine impossible things together?
  11. The last question: do you love him? (Does not effect the result)

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