does he/she love me?

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Does he/she love you? and you are just dying to find out?! i have some answers,juicy suggestions and amazing ideas on your relationship! take the quiz and i promise you will be glad you did!

Do you want to find out if your lover or your crush likes you back or if you are getting friendzoned to the extreme?! take the quiz to see if you are love smart and if this special someone feels the same way you do about them!

Created by: sophie
  1. I text this person i like:________________ and he responds.______________
  2. when we text he uses emojiis, smiley faces,heatrs,etc. ______
  3. he flirts with me(over text,person)_________
  4. he is constantly trying to keep in touch with me______
  5. he smiles and waves to me in the halls__________
  6. people(his friends,kids i dont know) come up to me and ask me silly questions like "i heard you like____ " and ask me questions
  7. we have been talking for _________
  8. i think about them_____
  9. he has asked to hang out with you before
  10. has either one of you ever tried to make a move?

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