Does he really love you?

Relationships should contain trust, respect, support, communication, and love for one another. Even if your relationship is a good one, you may still not be sure if the guy you are with truly loves you. Maybe it's because you doubt too much or don't trust enough, or maybe it's because he doesn't show it, or really doesn't love you.

Whichever it is, I made this quiz to help girls and women who are confused about their relationship. This is simply a quiz, and it is not guaranteed that it will give you completely accurate results. But I've had some experience, and I hope that this quiz will give you a better idea of whether or not your partner truly loves you.

Created by: jessicafunk123456

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  1. Has he told you he loves you?
  2. Does he treat you like a princess?
  3. Does he ignore you for his friends, or ignore you if he's "busy"?
  4. Has he cheated on you or abused you in any way?
  5. Does he go out of his way to make sure you are happy?
  6. Is he really protective of you, but not in a controlling way?
  7. Does he love spending time with you?
  8. Does he apologize when he is in the wrong, and try to make it up to you?
  9. When you fight, does he say hurtful things or push you around?
  10. What does he do if someone says something degrading or mean about you?
  11. Is he overly jealous, or does he let you do whatever you want and let you go wherever you want?
  12. Does he compliment you in front of others, and is he not afraid to tell you he loves you and show affection in front of others, even if they are rude about it?
  13. Last question: What does he do when he sees you cry?

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