Does He Like You? By A Guy For A Girl :)

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I know its stupid. Remember I'm a guy, and that's why. I am trying to make it like a girl would like it,and I hope you do like it. Thanks for all the nice comments!

I know its stupid. Remember I'm a guy, and that's why. I am trying to make it like a girl would like it,and I hope you do like it. Thanks for all the nice comments!!

Created by: Jake101
  1. You guys are at the bus, standing beside each other. He...
  2. You guys are sitting next to each other at teases, when a group of girls walk by. " Love birds! Aww," a girl says. He...
  3. Does he try to stay away from you?
  4. Does he act like he likes you?
  5. Do you guys have things in common?
  6. Has he every called you pretty?
  7. Have you guys every gone on a date?
  8. Do you like him?
  9. Have you lied on anyone of these quistions lad? Be honest!
  10. Here's a little play about love: Girl: do you think I'm pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you want me in your life? boy: again... no Girl: would you cry if I left * crys * boy: not a single tear Girl: * walks away * Boy: wait! I don't think your pretty. I think your beautiful. I don't want you in my life. I NEED you in my life. I wouldn't cry if you left. Id die. The End Love isn't about being with someone you can live with. Its about being with someone that you need to live with. I hope you guys liked this quiz. I'm a British guy so some words are British ( sorry ) and I hope this quiz is good for u gurls.

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