Does He Like You Back?

Every wonder if the guy you would do anything for feels the same way? I have a solution for that! Take this quiz to find if this wonder boy is crazy about you in the same way!

This quiz is for anyone looking to find out if the boy they love, loves them back! Remember that my quiz might tell you one thing, but I don't you or your personal relationship with Prince Charming, so don't take your results too seriously! Alright, now that the lecture is over, enjoy the quiz <333

Created by: Ana
  1. When you come across him, do you notice him making an effort to greet you?
  2. Does he treat you the same way he treats his friends when you hang out?
  3. Do you ever catch him staring at you?
  4. Do you have inside jokes?
  5. Does he ever embarrass you as a joke?
  6. Do his friends try to embarrass him in front of you?
  7. Does he willingly do you favors?
  8. Does he give you compliments?
  9. Does he tell you deep things like secrets?
  10. Do you think he likes you?

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