Does He Like You 99.9% accurate

Are you unsure if your crush likes you take this quiz and find out its 99.9% accurate! it will tell you exactly if he is headf over heels for you or if you guys would be a good match.

it will also tell you if you should just be frineds or if youll be a terrible match 99.9% accurate!!!! I promise! good luck and hope you get what your looking for!!

Created by: Geneva
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You and your crush talk....
  2. You make eye contact about....
  3. He calls you back.....
  4. in this question the first 6 answers describe him the next 3 describe you!!
  5. You have dated....
  6. was this boring
  7. do you think he likes you....
  8. age diffrence....
  9. have you done "it" yet?
  10. How often do you do "it"?
  11. whens the last time you did it?
  12. in case you didnt know "did it"" means SSSeeeXXX

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