Does he like you?

Guys can be hard to read. It can be super confusing trying to figure out how guys feel about you. Maybe he is just a flirt, or maybe he really likes you!

Take this quiz to find out if he likes you or not. Don't stress yourself about it and don't think too much. Let's see if he likes you, LOVES you, or just really isn't interested...

Created by: Sparklez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he talk to you even when there are other people around? (Like his friends, your friends, etc.)
  2. Does he ever try to physically hurt you?
  3. Does he ever try to touch your: hand, hair, knee, arm, face, neck, or legs?
  4. How often do you talk?
  5. If you tried to hug him, what would he do?
  6. What would he do if you got hurt?
  7. What do you guys talk about?
  8. Have you ever talked about your feelings for each other?
  9. Is he nicer to you than other girls?
  10. How does he flirt with you?

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