Does he like you?

this quiz will tell you if your crush likes you and if he does then this quiz will tell you so have fun because this test is definitely gonna tell you the truth.

if you get a high score he likes you if you get a low score sorry he don't like you boo try to get over them or find someone else to like or try and catch his atention.

Created by: rylie
  1. Does he want to hang around you?
  2. Does he talk about you to his friends?
  3. Do his friends call him a simp when he's talking to you?
  4. Does he blush when he is around you?
  5. does he ask stuff about you to your friends?
  6. Do you catch him staring at you?
  7. does he talk to you or text you a lot?
  8. your finna find out if he likes you are you excited?
  9. almost there
  10. its here

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