Does he like you?

This quiz tells you if he likes you or not! Remember: The results are extremely accurate and have been tested in China, the country of happiness and prosperity! We ly!

We hope you take these results into great consideration, and hope that it brightens your day and makes it the fullest it can be! We are confident that you will be happy at the end of this.

Created by: nunya.
  1. How does he act around you?
  2. How are your conversations?
  3. How do his friends act around you?
  4. What is his body language like around you?
  5. How do you think he feels about you?
  6. Has he ever complimented you?
  7. How long have you known him?
  8. Does he ever seem nervous.
  9. Does he already have a partner.
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz.

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