does he like you?

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this test tells you if he likes you! (This test is not 200% accurate!) try this test to see if he likes you!! take your chance to find your true love! maybe its someone else and not who you thought it was..?

this test is not 100% accurate so if you get a high score and ask him out but get rejected dont sue me <3 this test is to find out you struggle! remember if you dont get a good score there will always be someone else waiting!

Created by: Nidhi
  1. First of all does he know you exist?????
  2. how does he flirt??
  3. if he hurts you or you get hurt what does he do??
  4. does he like hanging out with you?
  5. lets say you pass each other at school/work what does he do?
  6. Now let's say you're getting bullied and he sees you what does he do?
  7. last scenario!! You both on a steep hill what does he do?
  8. do you have his number?
  9. does he look at you oftenly?
  10. does he physically touch you?
  11. LAST you like him...?

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