Does he like me? (For girls only)

This is a quiz that will help you find out whether he likes you or not! I hope you have good luck with the guys and I hope you enjoy the quiz! :) :) :)

If you don't get a good result I am sorry. I wish that you could have your guy like you. If you do, I am happy for you. Okay you do the quiz now :) :)

Created by: Blah
  1. How well do you know each other?
  2. Does he stare at you?
  3. Does he blush when he talks to you?
  4. How often do you talk?
  5. Does he show off around you?
  6. Has he ever teased you in a fun way?
  7. What do your friends think about if he has a crush on you or not?
  8. Does he fidget or touch his hair around you?
  9. Do YOU think he likes you?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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