do your friends still like u?

Many people have friends. many dont. many have lost theirs. do u have friends? how do u know if your friends are truly your friends? find out through this fun and awesome quiz created by me! =D

Do u have friends? do u like your friends? do they like you? if your wondeirng you can take this quiz to find out if your friends still like you. have fun with this quiz awesomally designed by me!!!! =D

Created by: sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your favorite color is....
  2. after school you like to...
  3. Your friends call you..what do u do?
  4. you wanna go to the mall..who do u call to go with?
  5. your bf/gf breaks up with you who do u call??
  6. ok now this is just random stuff but it wont count for the next couple u like someone?
  7. do u like pie?
  8. uhh....
  9. i like cheese
  10. do u have a foot?

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Quiz topic: Do my friends still like u?