Do you really know me?

I know quite a lot of people, and in contrast, a lot of people know me. However, it seems lately that people think they know a lot about me, but really don't know anything. These people piss me off.

So, do you really know me. If so, can you prove it? You can if you take this quiz and get a good result. If you don't you're one of "those" people, and we should either talk more or not talk at all.

Created by: Dylan Davison

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my middle name?
  2. Where was I born?
  3. What's my mom's name?
  4. What's my mom's name?
  5. What grade am I in?
  6. What's my zodiac sign?
  7. What famous "hangout" location in La Crosse do I live by?
  8. What's my favorite color?
  9. Which high school am I going to next year?
  10. What's my favorite movie?
  11. How long have my parents been married?
  12. How many siblings do I have?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know me?