Do You Really Know Hayden Christensen ?

To be a Hayden Christensen SUPER FAN you need to know alot about him and his family and past. But do not daydream about being someday becoming Mrs Hayden Christensen during tests and school work.

So are you a Haydden Christensen SUPER FAN ? Get ready for a quiz that will blow you off your feet !! Some are easy and some are hard its just a way of testing your knowledge on Hayden Christensen ! Good Look !!

Created by: jessica
  1. How many siblings does Hayden Christensen have ?
  2. When is Hayden's Birthday ?
  3. What is Hayden's dad called ?
  4. What film did Hayden star in, in 1999 as Joe Hill Conley ?
  5. Which award was he nominated for in 2003 ?
  6. Why was he nominated for the Saturn Award in 2003 ?
  7. Was Hayden born in America ?
  8. Which School did Hayden go to ?
  9. Which of his films came out in 2001 ?
  10. Was Hayden in the 4th Star Wars film ?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Hayden Christensen ?