Do you really know Chautona

There are many nutty people but few true nutcases. Nuttersness is, after all, quite enviable. What is a nut case? A squirrle's suitcase or proof of superior brain activity. No one thought Einstein was a normal Joe after all.

So, do you have what it takes to be classified as a true HK Nutcase? Can you really know what it is like to sit amongst the nuts and be half cracked? Thanks to this brilliant test you too can join the elite ranks of nutcases on HK.

Created by: Chautona of Hearth Keepers
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old is Chautona
  2. In what state was Chautona born
  3. Which two of Chautona's children do not have birth certificates.
  4. What instrument does Chautona play (however infrequently these days)
  5. How did Chautona have "the talk" with her eldest daughter?
  6. What did Chautona and Kevin almost name Lorna?
  7. If Challice was born Jan 1 she would have been the first child born in the first month on the first day. What Havig child missed this distinction by only 2 days?
  8. What holiday was Chautona's husband born on?
  9. Why was HK opened in the first place?
  10. What curriculum did Chautona use to teach her first three girls to read?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Chautona