do you really hate the jonas brothers?

there are many haters, but only few will learn to get past the midia and truly hate the jonas brothers. you may be one, you might not, maybe your in love with joe, maybe you wanna cut his hair off and feed it to a seal...

but the thing it, are you a hater, do you want to find out? well take this quiz will tell you if your in love or if you wanna cut them up and sell them on ebay for a good price.....GO CANADA!!!!

Created by: lisa
  1. do you really hate them?
  2. the hair?
  3. the pants?
  4. the music?
  5. the jonas brothers....1 word
  6. do you own any of their cds?
  7. whos line is it anyway?
  8. jonas brothers!
  9. if you could would you kill them?
  10. almost done!!!

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Quiz topic: Do I really hate the jonas brothers?