Do you REALLY deserve to call yourself a horse lover?

There are many people who claim to love horses but then there are the people set above them. The few people who deserve to be called a horse lover!!!!

Are you a horse lover? Are you an annoying person who claims to love horses but doesn't really? Do you qualify for the best privilege ever- the ability to call yourself a horse lover freely!

Created by: horseymandz
  1. The phone rings! It's your uncle. He's offering to buy you a horse or pony for your birthday but he wants to check you'd like one. What do you say?
  2. It's time to go and pick your horse or pony but then your uncle drops a bombshell... it's got to be from a nearby rescue center! What's your reaction?
  3. You've arrived at the rescue center and the lady brings out five different horses or ponies to try. Which one would you pick?
  4. You've just got your horse or pony home and finished all the stable chores. What's the first thing you do?
  5. It's the next day. You notice that someone has left the lid off one of the yard feedbins. You see a little girl feeding her pony and you realise she must be the culprit- what do you?
  6. You've booked your first two slots (slots are an hour each) in the arena. What do you do during your time?
  7. You've got some free time! All your homework is done, you've been out with your friends and finished your stable chores- what do you do?
  8. Your uncle says that he's entered you in a local gymkhana- it's in two weeks. How do you react?
  9. You're having some real problems with your horse/pony. They're being very forward going and they even tried to unseat you the other day. What do you do?
  10. Do you consider yourself a horse lover?

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Quiz topic: Do I REALLY deserve to call myself a horse lover?