Do you need overalls?

Do you need a pair of overalls for home public? Or do you not need them at all? Take this quiz to find out! I wear overalls so that's why I made this! So good luck, ;)

If you need them for home or public, the. You must buy them!!!! If you don't need them, you're lucky. just take it now and see what you get. This quiz will tell you if you do.

Created by: HockeyCB
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get pantsed?
  2. Do you garden at your house
  3. Are you jealous when you see other people in overalls!
  4. GIRLS: if your age is under 18.. How old are you?
  5. BOYS: if you are under 18, how old are you?
  6. Would you like to wear overalls!
  7. Choose the type of overalls you would like
  8. Would you throw away your normal pants and buy more overalls?
  9. Have you ever wore overalls as punishment?
  10. True or false: you have not worn overalls since you were little

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Quiz topic: Do I need overalls?