Do you need diapers? quiz

This is a quiz to see whether you need to wear diapers. Test it on friends, family and yourself; tou may be surprised! Don't take it too seriously, if you are worried, go to a doctor. But if they happen...

This quiz will determain whether you need diapers. I need diapers 24/7 as I am incontinent but your outcome may be different. Answer honestly, and enjoy!

Created by: Someone Sumducker
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you wet your underwear during the day?
  3. How frequently do you wet your underwear in the day time?
  4. Do you mess/soil your underwear during the day?
  5. How frequent are the messy accidents?
  6. Do you wet or mess during the night?
  7. How frequent do you bed wet/mess?
  8. What underwear do you wear?
  9. Can you control when you go?
  10. How big are your accidents (day and night)
  11. Last question: what product would you say would be best to handle your current incontinence?
  12. Did you enjoy my quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I need diapers? quiz

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