are you physically strong?

I could not find a good quiz about physical strength on this website so I decided to make my own quiz. I hope you enjoy the quiz and are happy with the results!

I'm not sure why I need a second paragraph but ok. by the way, take this with a grain of salt, I am no doctor and everybody is different. if you are worried about your health talk to a doctor and don't use online quizzes to diagnose yourself with stuff..

Created by: ijustwantcomment
  1. what kind of stuff do you eat?
  2. what kind of stuff do you eat?
  3. how much do you exercise?
  4. do you play any sports?
  5. do you sleep well?
  6. that's all i just need 12 questions for some reason
  7. Which letter do you hate most out of these (no effect of result)
  8. how are you?
  9. what is closest to your favorite color?
  10. don't worry the last few questions have no effect

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Quiz topic: Am I physically strong?