Do you need diapers? | Comments

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  • Your Result: You need diapers 24/7 89%

    You seem like you truly need diapers. You cannot control your bowels or bladder. If you're not currently wearing one, you might want to hurry up and pad up so you don't make a mess. I'd suggest something super absorbent for your needs. I'd suggest ordering some Abena Abri-form in your size ASAP.

    me in midel skhole but me bran of 1 yere oeld

  • It says I got a 68 percent but dont need dipers. But I wet myself a lot and curtanly wear female pads to help.

    • Female pads. Dont use them for #1 or #2. They make pads for that.

  • I need them 24/7 someone get me some i cant get my own

  • I do not "need" diapers, but I wear and use them 24/7. I prefer wearing and going in diapers all the time over going in the toilet because I do not have to hold my mess/piss if I am far from the restroom, I do not have to worry about navigating where the bathrooms are, I do not have to worry about my restroom anxiety, I do not have to stop what I'm doing to go to the toilet, I can soil and soak myself all I want, and I can enjoy staying in my soaked/soiled diaper until I feel that I need to change. I wear 24/7, day and night, private and public since I really do not care if people see me in my diaper/see me in a soiled diaper/smell my diaper. I do not care what comes out, as long as everything comes out. I wear a Rearz Safari diaper (so thick and amazing) with plastic pants, so I never leak. I have soiled and soaked my diaper everywhere, including the movies, in school, at my job, at my house, in my bed, at a basketball game, people dared me to mess myself with everyone watching so I had severe diarrhea at an ABDL meetup, at a bar, etc. Pretty much everywhere. I have even soiled my diaper for my GF and for one of my close friends, lol.

    • E

    • Ewwww that's gross why did you do that

      I only took this quiz bc my bff dared me to, but I mean, like YUCK

  • I need them but I don't want too

  • um, there are hundred of these quizzes 'do you need diapers' for some reason

    • They're all different though

    • What section are they in as I can't find them


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