Do you Need Daipers.

Have you ever Wondered whether you should wear Diapers or something similiar. Well this Quiz might help a little bit.(It proably won't actually but have fun anyway)

Did you that there is the same number of bones in a human neck and a giraffes, there are seven bone but a giraffes bones a bigger, this is known as cervical vertebrae.

Created by: NoOne64
  1. When was the last time you wet yourself?
  2. When was the last time you Messed your Pants?
  3. When was the last time you Wet the bed?
  4. When was the last time you Messed the Bed?
  5. Have you ever had to wear Pull ups or Diapers, to bed after the age of 5?
  6. If you answered yes for the last question, when did you stop?
  7. Have you ever had to wear Pull ups or diapers in the day, after the age of 5?
  8. If you answered Yes for the last question, When did you Stop?
  9. Should I add More questions?
  10. Was this Quiz good.(Its my first Quiz)?

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Quiz topic: Do I Need Daipers.

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