Do You Need a Spanking to Get Off Santa's Naughty List?

It's almost Christmas, and Santa's checking his list, checking it twice. . .can you honestly say you've been 100% nice? Or might there be a few naughty deeds you need to pay off before Santa boards his sleigh?

One surefire way to show Santa you regret your naughty ways is with a good old-fashioned spanking! After all, Santa's favorite color is red! Just how naughty you've been may make the difference between going to bed on Christmas Eve with warm and rosy cheeks, or a bottom as red as Rudolph's nose.

Created by: Jubilee
  1. In general, have you been naughty or nice this year?
  2. Okay, let's get down to specifics! Did you work hard at school or your job this year?
  3. Were you honest and truthful?
  4. Were you kind to other people?
  5. What kind of language did you use?
  6. When you were naughty this year, were you disciplined for your bad behavior?
  7. Were you responsible?
  8. Overall, which of these was your main naughty behavior this year?
  9. Overall, which was your main good behavior this year?
  10. Have you answered the questions on the quiz honestly? Remember, Santa sees all!

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Quiz topic: Do I Need a Spanking to Get Off Santa's Naughty List?

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