Which Happy! character are you?

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Happy! is a syfy series about an alcoholic former police detective called Nick Sax contacted by the imaginary friend of a little girl who got kidnapped a scary looking Santa Clause a few days before Christmas.

I created this test because I love the show and it didn't seem fair that there weren't any quiz about it. The characters are great, the plot is great and I think it should get more recognition, I hope you'll have fun answering the questions!

Created by: Nigma
  1. Are you an organized person?
  2. What's more likely to be found in your fridge?
  3. How much of an exhibitionist are you?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. How do people see you?
  6. How do you usually make decisions?
  7. What's your best quality?
  8. What's your sin?
  9. What best describes you?
  10. Do you like your current job?
  11. I just gave you a million dollars, what will you do with it?
  12. Go with your guts.
  13. What's your worst fear?
  14. Do you obey the law?

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Quiz topic: Which Happy! character am I?
