Do You Need A Petticoat Punishment?

Have you been naughty? Do you think you could use a humiliating punishment? Are you allergic to the color pink? Well you're in the right place! You need a petticoat punishment.

If you plan on attempting this, get someone who would be happy to see you punished in feminine clothing. If you are someone who needs a punishment like this, there is probably someone mad at you.

  1. How well behaved are you?
  2. How many things are you being punished for?
  3. Did you know that what you did was wrong?
  4. How serious were your crimes?
  5. How would you apologize?
  6. How many times have you done this?
  7. How do you feel about feminine things?
  8. Will you resist your punishment?
  9. Are you going to do it again?
  10. How long would you say it will likely be before you act out again?
  11. Will you learn your lesson?
  12. Has this been a long time coming?
  13. How many people did you hurt?
  14. How much do you want to be punished?
  15. How much do you need to be punished?

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Quiz topic: Do I Need A Petticoat Punishment?

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