do you know the Nightmare Before Christmas

if you watch The nightmare before christmas ENOUGH times (but of course you will NEVER watch enough N.B.C. haha!)then you will pass with flying ghosts! If you fail your not a true fan!

Do you know your N.B.C? (haha!) i think i skipped som parts of the story cuz i got tired of typing. Anyway, stop guessing, do your research and and HAVE FUN!!!

Created by: Roscoe Timmons
  1. What is the complete name for this movie?
  2. What is Jack's nickname? (by the sax player)
  3. What is the name of the second song sung?
  4. What did Sally do to get away from Dr. Finklestien?
  5. Where did Zero find Jack's rib bone?
  6. What did Jack find in the forest he was walking through?
  7. Which door does Jack open?
  8. What line was ACTUALLY in the 3rd song
  9. What do the people of Holloween town call the man in red at first?
  10. What does Jack go to Dr. Finklestien for?
  11. Meanwhile...what is Sally doing?
  12. While trying to make a snowfake from paper...what does Jack make instead
  13. How many Atempts at solving Christmas did Jack make?
  14. Who does jask ask for (by name, and in the movie order)
  15. What do "Boogie's Boys" ride in(on)?
  16. Who(what) does L.S.B. bring back on the first try?
  17. what stopped jack from delivering the presents?
  18. What happend just before jack went to save sally and santa?
  19. What song was sung over towards the end?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the Nightmare Before Christmas