Do you know the lyrics to Selena Gomez songs?

Selena Gomez has awesome lyrics to her songs! They're catchy and sooooo relatable but do you know them? Her amazing songs are about her life and the lyrics are an important part of any song.

So do YOU know the lyrics to the most amazing smartest kindest person's songs on this planet? I hope you do. Now it's time to find out! To be honest even I struggled making this quiz so don't feel let down by any mistake. After all now you know the correct answer! Let the quiz begin!

Created by: selena_fan_4eva
  1. What song do these lyrics come from, 'Music to my heart that's what you are'?
  2. What song do these lyrics come from, 'When we collide sparks fly, When you look in my eyes'?
  3. What song do these lyrics come from, 'The life I'm pursuing, The odds I'll be losing'?
  4. What song do these lyrics come from, 'All day, all night, I'll be waitin' standby'?
  5. What song do these lyrics come from, 'I've ever known, I'm hoping That after this fever I'll survive'?
  6. What song do these lyrics come from, 'I hear it every day I hear it all the time'?
  7. What song do these lyrics come from, 'You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible A centerfold, miracle, lyrical'?
  8. What song do these lyrics come from, 'Could even make that Tiffany jealous, mhm'?
  9. What song do these lyrics come from, 'I'd breathe you in every single day'?
  10. What song do these lyrics come from, 'It's so hard to break in There's no way to fake it'?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the lyrics to Selena Gomez songs?