Which Selena Gomez Song Are You?

Selena Gomez songs are different types lotsof girl wabt to know which one they are she is Beautiful Disney star So take this quiz to know wboch one are you!!!!!!!

Just give correct answer just the way you are then see YOUR SONG!!!!!!! A POP GIRL WITH EMOTIONAL HAERT AND LOVELY NATURE PLS RATE IT!!!!!!!!!!! There are best song in the answer SO TAKE THE QUIZ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: grace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Type of girl are you?
  2. When you are on love
  3. Are you Trust worthy?
  4. You are ?
  5. which line is your fevriote
  6. the way you love to sing
  7. You are creative?
  8. I see him and feel like...
  9. People say you are
  10. The most imp thing in life is is?
  11. Love is for you
  12. In love the biggest fear is

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Quiz topic: Which Selena Gomez Song am I?