Do you know the Black Cat?

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This quiz if for awesome people, because only awesome people like the Black Cat. Awesome people like me. But it's not enough for him, and he's still being poisoned by innocence and... and... ;~;

ANYWAY. Take the quiz, and I'll love you forever if I decide you know enough. If not, you will be injured. Very... very.... injured. In your pride.

Created by: Creed
  1. Have you ever seen Black Cat?
  2. What is the Black Cat's name?
  3. What weapon does the Black Cat use?
  4. What organization does he work for?
  5. What Number is he?
  6. How old is the Black Cat?
  7. What race is the Black Cat?
  8. What occupation does the Black Cat ultimately end with?
  9. What was his famous line?
  10. How awesome is the Black Cat?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the Black Cat?