Do You Know Minecraft?

Do you wonder if you could know how much you know about Minecraft? Well now you can! Because of this quiz you can now know how much you really know about Minecraft!

I made this quiz because of my love for Minecraft. And because it was really fun. So if you want to do it and see how much you really know about Minecraft then just stop readying this and do it!

Created by: Omatix
  1. What is the first thing you need to get When you start the game?
  2. How do you craft a crafting table
  3. Does a creeper explode or teleport
  4. The final boss is
  5. What is the best ore
  6. Does the wither have more health then the enderdragon
  7. Do you start at the overworld the end or the nether
  8. What skin do you start with
  9. How do you craft a sword
  10. How do you craft a shield

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Minecraft?