do you know me well?

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Hi! Are you my friend potential? There are 13 questions to pass this quiz. Some can be hard and some can be really easy! Good luck! (Im rooting for you)

My quiz looks easier than you think it is.. I can check is you are actually my friend potential if you pass this quiz. The PASSING score is 11-13 *prays for u*

Created by: sammy luv
  1. Whats my dog's name?
  2. Whats my fave color?
  3. What emojis do i use the most?
  4. What game did I first play in roblox?
  5. Who do i hate the most?
  6. Whats my aesthetic?
  7. Whats my sexuality?
  8. Who are my beshie cakes?
  9. What spread do I use the most in my bread?
  10. What do i always drink in starbucks?
  11. Whats my supposed-to-be-name?
  12. What are the countries Ive been to?
  13. What do I ALWAYS buy when I go to the canteen?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me well?

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