Do you know me???

So there are some cool people out there that think they know me pretty well. This is the reason that I chose to creat this wonderous thing of a quiz. I want to see who out there can think that they are ever soooo knowledgable about, me!

So if YOU think are one of those cool people that know me soooo well, let's see you take a stab at this then! We will then see who is the strong and who is the weak in the subject of, me. Its ok if you do bad, I can still be your friend, I guess...

Created by: Michelle
  1. What color is my hair, at this moment in time?
  2. True or false: I have a Darth Vader tattoo on my butt.
  3. Which Star Wars movie is my favorite?
  4. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  5. What is my minor in school?
  6. What is my puppies name?
  7. Whats my favorite flower?
  8. Which is m favorite food ever!
  9. Where is my dream place to live?
  10. How many proms have I been to?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me???