Do You Know Jenn?

this quiz may be tricky, because it's not all info mentioned on the forum. some of it is taken from my blog. hopefully you're a good guesser? you're free to ask bethany or melissa if you get stuck. LOL!

go ahead and take the quiz and see how well you really do know me. you may be in for some surprises and then again maybe not. this is really just to have some fun. and please don't take the quiz results personally. lol.

Created by: jenn
  1. when will jenn turn 32?
  2. what color is jenn's hair?
  3. how many children does jenn have?
  4. how long has jenn been married?
  5. what would jenn change about her wedding, if she could?
  6. what two jobs does jenn's husband have?
  7. what does jenn love to do in her spare time?
  8. what's the one expensive gift jenn would love to have?
  9. what is jenn's favorite kind of chocolate?
  10. what size shoes does jenn wear?
  11. which would jenn rather do?
  12. how tall is jenn?
  13. when is jenn's baby boy due?
  14. what does jenn do for her at-home business?
  15. who has jenn met in real life?
  16. who is jenn's IRL friend that she invited to HK?
  17. why is jenn's username always "blessedmama"?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Jenn?