Do you know Janu? Lets find out

This is pointless and actually a call for help if youre reading this please save me. Like rn. I need help. Bruh, Please. When is it gonna be 150 characters ffs

Seriously if u dont get more than 90% youre a retard. period. Omg why does this need to be 150 characters long idk what more to say. Blablablablablablabla

Created by: Januuu
  1. Whens my birth date?
  2. What is my favorite food?
  3. Where am i from?
  4. My favorite drink?
  5. My favorite movie?
  6. What type of person am i?
  7. Did i get bullied at school?
  8. When was my first kiss?
  9. Why did i make the gc?
  10. Do you like me?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Janu? Lets find out

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