do you know harry potter well enough?

DO YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER? well, if you do , take this quiz to see for yourself if you are a true potter fan,okay? and take a little felix felicis , okay? (just kidding, but seriously, do well)

this quiz asks a lot of questions like names of characters and stuff like that. my message: have fun, no matter what your result is .lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: lixinran
  1. who is Voldemolt's mother?
  2. What does the spell Accio do?
  3. Xenophillius...
  4. what happened to hagrid when he became expelled?
  5. what is horace slughorn's house?
  6. what colour would the rememberall neville got turn into when he had forgotten things?
  7. how many chaser(s) are there in a quidditch team?
  8. what is the name hagrid gave his 3 headed dog?
  9. dumbeldore died during harry's ... year?
  10. how many knuts are there to a galleon?
  11. what is lily potter's wand wood?
  12. bye

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Quiz topic: Do I know harry potter well enough?

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