Do you know Beetletail's Fondness well? (prologue - ch 1)

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Created by: Phantomstar
  1. Who was the "stranger/intruder cat" in Starclan that was listening to Hornetnose and Cloverberry's conversation?
  2. Who do you think Cloverberry and Hornetnose prophesized (obvious...)
  3. What did Frostfern last say to the two cats in Starclan before running away?
  4. What is Hornetnose worried about?
  5. What did Frostfern say after she got out of the bushes?
  6. What color is Frostfern's pelt? (not including markings)
  7. What did Beetlekit catch in Chapter one?
  8. What did Mistyeye think happened to Beetlekit as he ran off.
  9. Big Floppa
  10. ok bye
  11. The last two questions had no effect lol (nor does this one)

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Quiz topic: Do I know Beetletail's Fondness well? (prologue - ch 1)

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