Do you have the guts to be a mystic?

This quiz will decide if you have the guts to become one of the strongest fantesy fighters of all time. even if yall dont know about them yet you will soon enough when my series "Mystics" get published.

I hope after you take this quiz you will scroll down to my name and take my other quizes, any help would be greatfull and i hope this quiz will tell something about yourself

Created by: Dustin Herb
  1. If a friend was hurt what would you do?
  2. In a fight would you....
  3. If the military asked you to enter this new super-soldier program what would you say?
  4. If someone told you that being a mystic would give you powers, would you join?
  5. Would you protect strangers?
  6. If you had to make the choice of killing you best friend to save the rest of the world, would you?
  7. A mystic is a super-soldier that pocess powers and are immortal, would you join?
  8. If you could live forever would you?
  9. Could you live forever and deal with all the choices you have made, good or bad?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I have the guts to be a mystic?