Do you have a strong marriage?

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In 2014, it's been said that about 40% of marriages end up in divorce. Those who marry under the age of 25 are more likely to divorce before their fifth year. It's sad but true and it's the main reason people don't believe in marriage anymore.

Do you have a strong marriage? Should you be working harder on your marriage? It's better to start working on it now even when you think there is nothing wrong, than to wait till it's too late.

Created by: Katrina McCaffery
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have good communication with your partner? Choose which answer best matches your marriage.
  2. Do you actively keep mental notes on how much you are contributing versus how much your partner isn't.
  3. Do you think you are the Queen or King of the castle?
  4. Are you more like teammates or roommates? Do you work together on everything and pull the weight together?
  5. Do you purposely press your spouse button when angry?
  6. Do you frequently make special time for your partner?
  7. How often to do you give in or compromise for your partner?
  8. How often do you find yourself reaching out to anyone who will listen because you can't say what you feel to your spouse?
  9. How often do you have sex with your spouse?
  10. Are you happy with the current state you are in or do you find yourself fantasizing of a different life?
  11. How quick can you name 10 things you love about your spouse not including physical appearance?
  12. How quick can you come up with 10 things you hate about your spouse?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a strong marriage?