Do you have a chance to be my friend?

HI! Have you ever wondered how easily you can make friends? Start the quiz to find out! Maybe you could be mine! But technically, you can’t because I have no way of contacting you. Sorry.

¡HOLA! ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado con qué facilidad puedes hacer amigos? ¡Comienza el cuestionario para averiguarlo! ¡Tal vez podrías ser mía! Pero técnicamente, no puedes porque no tengo forma de contactarte. Lo siento.

Created by: Claire
  1. Pick a number
  2. Pick a color
  3. Pick an animal
  4. Pick an element
  5. Pick an adjective
  6. Pick a word
  7. Pick a song
  8. Pick a singer
  9. Pick a state
  10. Pick a country

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Quiz topic: Do I have a chance to be my friend?

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