do you have a best friend

this is a quiz to see if you really have a best friend forever or not at all you may not like it because you are sencitive and quiet allot and hate talking about it

totaly duh i mean i got the best math cmts in the district and my sis is awesome all ovf them exccept the baby cuz well its a baby i mean really have you seen a baby do math?

Created by: lc4cat
  1. when do you see each other
  2. what do you like to talk about when youre around each other
  3. do like to eat together at lunch
  4. do you have other friends
  5. what things you dont like about him/her
  6. do you like to talk personal
  7. do you like to have sleepovers
  8. do you go trick or treating together
  9. your bff is crying what do you do
  10. just to ask did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I have a best friend