Do You Hate Black People?

There are many racist people out there who hate black people. Most of them hate black people with passion and there are some people who just don't hate black people at all.

Do you hate black people? Are you a true ni99er hater? Do you hate black people with a lot of passion? Well, you're about to find out by taking this nice wonderful quiz.

Created by: Daria129

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  1. How do you feel about black people.
  2. What do you think of black people hair?
  3. Do you have any black friends?
  4. You see a black person walking down the street. What do you do?
  5. You see this old black lady trying to cross the street but traffic is so heavy. What will you do?
  6. Africa is burning down!
  7. What would you do if your children started hanging out with black people?
  8. Would you ever date a black person?
  9. What do you think the difference is between the black race and all of the other races?
  10. You see this black man get hit by a truck! What will you do?!
  11. You wish that black people...
  12. What do you think of black people features?
  13. You're walking somewhere and you end up in an all black neighborhood. What will you do?
  14. Do you think all black people should be treated as equally as all of the other races?
  15. Have you ever used the word "ni99er" towards a black person?
  16. Do you think that all black people should go back to Africa?
  17. You see this black man fall off a cliff! What do you do?
  18. Do you think all of the other races are more superior than the black race.

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Quiz topic: Do I Hate Black People?