Do You Get Bored Easy?

Ever feel like your bored? take this quiz to see how bored you really are. here are ten questions to take. if you think through every question, this quiz might take 5 min at most.

i wanted to make this quiz because i was bored and wanted to take a bored quiz. plus, i've always wanted to make a quiz, although i don't know why i chose boredom...

Created by: katie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why did you take the quiz?
  2. Do you plan on telling people about your results?
  3. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
  4. Do you like pie?
  5. Do you ever watch paid program?
  6. Do you or did you pay attention in school?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. Did you lie to get a better score on this quiz?
  9. Ae you getting bored with this quiz?
  10. evbwebeuqrhbvkjnkjnvvvereqw?

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Quiz topic: Do I Get Bored Easy?